Urgent Needs

Goal Met

but the Need is still there.

Thank you to all of you who have contributed to this urgent need.

We have sent the requested $28,000 to Malawi and the food was purchased and is being distributed. Approximately 3600 people have received aid so far. In total we expect to distribute the fortified maize and ground nuts to 1430 families (over 10,000 people).

The famine is ongoing and we need to be ready to provide additional support. We ask for your continuing financial support for this project so we can move quickly to help purchase more food as needed.

Please help fund this life saving effort by clicking the Donate button above.   We thank you for your ongoing support of Malawi

Famine affecting Cow Herds – Your Help Needed

We need your support to help farmers save their cows.

Due to the ongoing famine, the farmers are struggling to feed their cows.  Fully half of the farmers are unable to purchase fodder and face losing their cows and income due to the lack of feed.

Due to the impact of the famine on the people, we must focus our limited resources on feeding the people.  We are working on getting a grant from the World Bank to buy hay baling machines and a tractor to be shared throughout the district.

Your donations to this effort will help us purchase this vital equipment.