News – What has been Accomplished!

URGENT NEED – 2024 Famine Relief

July 23, 2024

We need your immediate support to prevent starvation in Malawi due to the ongoing famine. 

Bridges to Malawi has committed to supplying protein fortified maize to feed people in Malawi.  This initiative will cost $28,000 (K 50 Million).  We have already raised $10,000 but we need the remaining $18,000 before August 15th to purchase the needed amount of maize.

Please help fund this life saving effort by clicking the Donate button above.   We thank you for your ongoing support of Malawi.

Famine affecting Cow Herds – Your Help Needed

We need your support to help farmers save their cows.

Due to the ongoing famine, the farmers are struggling to feed their cows.  Fully half of the farmers are unable to purchase fodder and face losing their cows and income due to the lack of feed.

Due to the impact of the famine on the people, we must focus our limited resources on feeding the people.  We are working on getting a grant from the World Bank to buy hay baling machines and a tractor to be shared throughout the district.

Your donations to this effort will help us purchase this vital equipment.

Dairy Cooperative Update – July 2024

The dairy cow herd continues to grow. In total, since January, 25 calves have been born.

Moreover, as of July, 76 of the 306 cows in the project are pregnant, 33 of the cows are pregnant for the first time.  Seven of the pregnant cows are from calves born to our beneficiaries, which shows the program is beginning to become self-sustainable. 

Next Steps for the Lavender Project

In our next phase of introducing Lavender as a cash crop in Malawi, we are looking to import drought resistant strains of lavender.  We are working with an agency in Zambia and with other organizations to source the seeds.

Composting Toilets for Fertilizer and Improving Health- July 2024

We are investing in composting toilets to help improve sanitation, combat cholera and provide fertilizer.   Each installation has tw0 composting toilets.  One is used for six months and then the second is used for the next six months while the first is composting into manure.  The initial roll-out was funded by a $5,000 grant from the Harvard Lions Club.  We are in discussion with another organization for additional funds to expand the program. 

Annual Medical Mission – July 2024

We are working with Tufts Medical School and University of Massachusetts Medical School to bring 1sr and 4th year medical students to work with and learn from us and our K2TASO colleagues in Malawi for 6 to 8 weeks.  The students will be involved in direct patient care as well as medical related research to help improve overall health in the district.

    November 13, 2023

    We’d like to take a brief moment to congratulate the winner of this year’s high school contest, Josie Blake. Josie has won a free trip to Malawi with our medical mission team when we go in April 2024.

    A total of 11 students from Nashoba Regional High School and Hudson High School participated in the contest. We hope the 10 who didn’t win will be able to come along with us as well.

    IT Education and Laptop Donation Trip – Jan 2023

    For further details and photos, see our January 2023 Detailed Trip Presentation slides.

    Trip Objectives:

    1. Communicate program objectives to beneficiary school leadership
    2. Observe school’s implementation of Information/Computer Technology (ICT) studies
    3. Evaluate solar power systems
    4. Add projector and 5 additional laptops to each school
    5. Offer professional development (PD) to beneficiary school teachers
    6. Enhance female student ICT studies and access
    7. Offer model lessons to beneficiary school students
    8. Build collaborative relationships within Malawi
    9. Build efficiencies within ICT technician team

    To learn more about our technology initiatives, visit the Laptop Donation/Education page.