Pumain CPAP machine donated with our help saving neonatal lives!

Dear Brian,
On behalf of my fellow health workers and on my own behalf I write to thank you and the rest of Bridges To Malawi once again for the Pumani CIPAP machine which has already proven to be so resourceful in the prevention of neonatal deaths from respiratory distress. So far fourteen neonates were put on the machine and nine of them are alive right now. Have a blessed week.
 Peter Minjale

14th June, 2015,

We at St. Andrew’s hospital in Malawi continue to thank you and the entire Bridges To Malawi in USA for the timely support of the Pumani CPAP machine which Bridges To Malawi gave us. This machine is helping in the prevention of death from respiratory distress in neonates especially preterm ones. Photos above are for a mother and her preterm baby with respiratory distress benefitting from the CPAP machine. The Oxygen concentrator shown is also a donation from Bridges to Malawi.

Thanks to Bridges To Malawi.

God bless you all.

Peter Minjale (Medical In-charge, St. Andrew’s Hospital)    (Unfortunately I have not figured out how to upload the pictures he refers to.  I will put them on my facebook page, however.  Brian Lisse)